
On this page you can find out more information about the possibilities when working with the Cryptomus API. You can also see examples of requests and responses from the server


In this section you can find out the basic endpoint and basic parameters when requesting the API.

Getting API keysInstructions on how to get payment and payout API key

Request formatBasic information on how to make requests to the server

Payment methods

Information about the main payout methods when working with API

Getting startedBasic information about payment methods

Creating an invoiceInformation on how to create an invoice

Creating a Static walletInformation about creating a static wallet

Generate a QR-codeGenerate a QR-code

Block static walletHow to block static wallet

Payment informationGetting information about the payments

RefundInformation about refunds

Resend webhookResend the webhook if required

Testing webhookInformation about testing webhook

List of servicesGetting a list of all available services

Payment historyGetting payment history

WebhookInformation about payment's webhook and signature verification

Payment statusesInformation about all payment statuses

Payout methods

This section contains basic information about payout API

Getting startedBasic information about payout methods

Creating a payoutInformation about creating payouts

Payout informationGetting information about the payouts

Payout historyInformation about the completed payouts

Payout statusesAll payout statuses

Payout webhookInformation about payout webhook and signature verification

List of servicesGetting a list of all available services

SDKs and Modules

This section describes how to work with the SDK and third-party modules

PHP SDKThis section describes how to work with the SDK and third-party modules

SDKs and ModulesThis section describes how to work with the SDK and third-party modules


This section describes how to work with the SDK and third-party modules

BalanceGetting information about personal and business balances

ReferenceAll supported currencies and networks