When invoice status changes, a POST request is sent to the url_callback specified when creating the invoice.
Response parameters
Name | Definition |
type | Invoice type (wallet / payment) |
uuid | uuid of the payment |
order_id | Order ID in your system (to identify the order) |
amount | The amount of the invoice |
payment_amount | Amount actually paid by client |
payment_amount_usd | Amount actually paid by client in USD |
merchant_amount | The amount added to the merchant's balance, with all commissions subtracted. |
commission | Cryptomus commission amount |
is_final | Whether the invoice is finalized. When invoice is finalized it is impossible to pay an invoice (it's either paid or expired) |
status | Payment statusAvailable options:• confirm_check• paid• paid_over• fail• wrong_amount• cancel• system_fail• refund_process• refund_fail• refund_paid |
from | Payer's wallet address |
wallet_address_uuid | uuid of the static wallet |
network | The blockchain network in which the payment is made |
currency | Invoice currency |
payer_currency | The currency that the client actually paid with |
additional_data | Additional information string that you provided when creating an invoice |
convert | Information about the currency to which the payment will be automatically converted. Conversion is performed from payer_currency to USDTThe convert field will not exist if you have not enabled the automatic conversion function for payer_currency (e.g. auto convert BTC to USDT) Structure |
txid | Transaction hash on the blockchain.The txid field will not exist if1) payment was paid by p2p (The payer withdrew funds from his Cryptomus account to the address indicated in the invoice and the payment was made without blockchain, only in our system)2) Payment was not paid3) Something was wrong with the payment or the client made a mistake and we marked it as ‘paid’ manually |
sign | Signature |
Invoice type (wallet / payment)Definition
uuid of the paymentDefinition
Order ID in your system (to identify the order)Definition
The amount of the invoiceDefinition
Amount actually paid by clientDefinition
Amount actually paid by client in USDDefinition
The amount added to the merchant's balance, with all commissions subtracted.Definition
Cryptomus commission amountDefinition
Whether the invoice is finalized. When invoice is finalized it is impossible to pay an invoice (it's either paid or expired)Definition
Payment statusAvailable options:- confirm_check- paid- paid_over- fail- wrong_amount- cancel- system_fail- refund_process- refund_fail- refund_paidDefinition
Payer's wallet addressDefinition
uuid of the static walletDefinition
The blockchain network in which the payment is madeDefinition
Invoice currencyDefinition
The currency that the client actually paid withDefinition
Additional information string that you provided when creating an invoiceDefinition
Information about the currency to which the payment will be automatically converted. Conversion is performed from payer_currency to USDTThe convert field will not exist if you have not enabled the automatic conversion function for payer_currency (e.g. auto convert BTC to USDT) StructureDefinition
Transaction hash on the blockchain.The txid field will not exist if1) payment was paid by p2p (The payer withdrew funds from his Cryptomus account to the address indicated in the invoice and the payment was made without blockchain, only in our system)2) Payment was not paid3) Something was wrong with the payment or the client made a mistake and we marked it as ‘paid’ manuallyDefinition
Structure of convert
Name | Definition |
to_currency | The currency code to which the payment will be converted |
commission | Conversion fee |
rate | Conversion rate |
amount | Conversion amount in to_currency that was added to the merchant's balance, with all commissions subtracted.amount here equals merchant_amount * rate |
The currency code to which the payment will be convertedDefinition
Conversion feeDefinition
Conversion rateDefinition
Conversion amount in to_currency that was added to the merchant's balance, with all commissions subtracted.amount here equals merchant_amount * rate
Response example
2 "type": "payment",
3 "uuid": "62f88b36-a9d5-4fa6-aa26-e040c3dbf26d",
4 "order_id": "97a75bf8eda5cca41ba9d2e104840fcd",
5 "amount": "3.00000000",
6 "payment_amount": "3.00000000",
7 "payment_amount_usd": "0.23",
8 "merchant_amount": "2.94000000",
9 "commission": "0.06000000",
10 "is_final": true,
11 "status": "paid",
12 "from": "THgEWubVc8tPKXLJ4VZ5zbiiAK7AgqSeGH",
13 "wallet_address_uuid": null,
14 "network": "tron",
15 "currency": "TRX",
16 "payer_currency": "TRX",
17 "additional_data": null,
18 "convert": {
19 "to_currency": "USDT",
20 "commission": null,
21 "rate": "0.07700000",
22 "amount": "0.22638000"
23 },
24 "txid": "6f0d9c8374db57cac0d806251473de754f361c83a03cd805f74aa9da3193486b",
25 "sign": "a76c0d77f3e8e1a419b138af04ab600a"
COPYWebhook verification
Since by receiving webhooks you are releasing products or crediting your users' balances, you need to make sure that you are receiving webhooks from cryptomus and not from anyone else.
We recommend you to check it both ways:
- use the ip address whitelist and allow requests to url_callback only from our ips. We send webhooks from ip.
- Verify signature in every webhook that is coming to your url_callback, read more about this below.
Verifying webhook signature
Your api keys are secret and no one except you and cryptomus should know them. So, when verifying the signature, you will be sure that the webhook was sent by cryptomus.
We create a sign using this algorithm. MD5 hash of the body of the POST request encoded in base64 and combined with your API key.
As the signature comes in the body of the request, to verify it, you need to extract the sign from the response body, generate a hash from the body and your API KEY and match it with the sign parameter.
An example in php:
To receive a json data sent by post to your webhook handler:
1$data = file_get_contents('php://input');
2$data = json_decode($data, true);
COPYLets say we received webhook with data in this array
First, we need to extract the sign from the array:
1$sign = $data['sign'];
COPYNow lets generate a sign using our api payment key:
1$hash = md5(base64_encode(json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE)) . $apiPaymentKey);
COPYFinally, we can check if the sign we generated with our api payment key equals the sign that came to webhook.
1if (!hash_equals($hash, $sign)) {
2 return new InvalidHashException();
5// or
7if ($hash !== $sign) {
8 return new InvalidHashException();
COPYAt this point, you can be sure that the webhook was from cryptomus and that you received all the data correctly
in php:
1// data array
2$data = [
3 'amount' => '20',
4 'currency' => 'USDT',
5 'network' => 'tron',
6 'txid' => 'someTxidWith/Slash'
9// json data we send to webhooks
10$data = json_encode($data, true);
11echo $data;
12// Outputs a string, slash in txid is escaped, pay attention to this.
13// we send a webhook data with all escaped slashes
14// {"amount":"20","currency":"USD","network":"btc","txid":"someTxidWith/Slash"}
COPYin js:
1const data = {
2 amount: '20',
3 currency: 'USDT',
4 network: 'tron',
5 txid: 'someTxidWith/Slash'
8const jsonData = JSON.stringify(data);
10// {"amount":"20","currency":"USDT","network":"tron","txid":"someTxidWith/Slash"}
11// slash in txid is not escaped and you will get error checking sign.
12// Instead, you should do it like this:
13// const jsonData = JSON.stringify(data).replace(///mg, "\/");