Creating a payout
The payouts through API are made only from your business wallets balances.
Payouts can be made in different ways:
- You can choose to receive the payout in a specific cryptocurrency and the payout will then be automatically processed in that specific cryptocurrency. To do so, ensure that you have sufficient balance in that particular currency to cover all associated fees.
- Alternatively, you have the option to specify the payout amount in a fiat currency. In this case, the amount will be automatically converted to a specific cryptocurrency from your available balance. For instance, if you request a payout of 20 USD in LTC, the equivalent value will be deducted from your LTC balance. It is important to have enough funds in the corresponding cryptocurrency to cover all applicable fees.
- Another possibility is to specify the payout amount in a fiat currency, which will be automatically converted to a specific cryptocurrency using your USDT balance. This option is particularly useful when you have autoconvert enabled, as funds from your invoices are automatically converted to USDT. For example, if you want to make a payout of 20 USD in LTC but only have a balance in USDT, make sure you have sufficient USDT funds to cover all fees.
- Additionally, you can choose to specify the payout amount in any cryptocurrency of your preference. The payout will then be automatically processed in that specific cryptocurrency, utilizing your available USDT balance. It is crucial to have enough USDT balance to cover all associated fees.
Query parameters
Name | Parameter type | Default value | Definition |
amount* | string | Payout amount | |
currency* | string | Currency code for the payoutIf Currency if fiat, the to_currency parameter is required. | |
order_id* | stringmin:1max:100alpha_dash | Order ID in your systemThe parameter should be a string consisting of alphabetic characters, numbers, underscores, and dashes. It should not contain any spaces or special characters.The order_id must be unique within the merchant payoutsWhen we find an existing payout with order_id, we return its details, a new payout will not be created. | |
address* | string | The address of the wallet to which the withdrawal will be made | |
is_subtract* | boolean | Defines where the withdrawal fee will be deductedtrue - from your balancefalse - from payout amount, the payout amount will be decreased | |
network* | string | Blockchain network codeNot required when the currency/to_currency is a cryptocurrency and has only one network, for example BTC | |
url_callback | URL to which webhooks with payout status will be sent | ||
to_currency | Cryptocurrency code in which the payout will be made. It is used when the currency parameter is fiat. See examples below | ||
course_source | stringAvailable values• Binance• BinanceP2p• Exmo• Kucoin• Garantexio | Value from merchant's settings | The service from which the exchange rates are taken for conversion in the invoice.The parameter is applied only if the currency is fiat, otherwise the default value is taken from the merchant's settings. |
from_currency | string | null | Allows to automatically convert the withdrawal amount and use the from_currency balance. Only USDT is available. |
priority | stringmin: 4max: 11Available values• recommended• economy• high• highest | recommended | The parameter for selecting the withdrawal priority. The cost of the withdrawal fee depends on the selected parameter.This parameter is applied only in case of using the BTC, ETH, POLYGON, and BSC networks. |
memo | stringmin: 1max: 30 | Additional identifier for TON, used to specify a particular recipient or target |
Parameter type
Payout amountParameter type
Currency code for the payoutIf Currency if fiat, the to_currency parameter is required.Parameter type
Order ID in your systemThe parameter should be a string consisting of alphabetic characters, numbers, underscores, and dashes. It should not contain any spaces or special characters.The order_id must be unique within the merchant payoutsWhen we find an existing payout with order_id, we return its details, a new payout will not be created.Parameter type
The address of the wallet to which the withdrawal will be madeParameter type
Defines where the withdrawal fee will be deductedtrue - from your balancefalse - from payout amount, the payout amount will be decreasedParameter type
Blockchain network codeNot required when the currency/to_currency is a cryptocurrency and has only one network, for example BTCDefinition
URL to which webhooks with payout status will be sentDefinition
Cryptocurrency code in which the payout will be made. It is used when the currency parameter is fiat. See examples belowParameter type
Available values- Binance- BinanceP2p- Exmo- Kucoin- GarantexioDefinition
The service from which the exchange rates are taken for conversion in the invoice.The parameter is applied only if the currency is fiat, otherwise the default value is taken from the merchant's settings.Parameter type
Allows to automatically convert the withdrawal amount and use the from_currency balance. Only USDT is available.Parameter type
stringmin: 4max: 11
Available values- recommended- economy- high- highestDefinition
The parameter for selecting the withdrawal priority. The cost of the withdrawal fee depends on the selected parameter.This parameter is applied only in case of using the BTC, ETH, POLYGON, and BSC networks.Parameter type
stringmin: 1max: 30Definition
Additional identifier for TON, used to specify a particular recipient or target
* - mandatory parameter
Request example
curl \
-H 'merchant: 8b03432e-385b-4670-8d06-064591096795' \
-H 'sign: fe99035f86fa436181717b302b95bacff1' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"amount": "5",
"currency": "USDT",
"network": "TRON",
"order_id": "1",
"address": "TDD97yguPESTpcrJMqU6h2ozZbibv4Vaqm",
"url_callback": "",
"is_subtract": "1",
Response parameters
Name | Definition |
uuid | uuid of the payout |
amount | Payout amount in currency |
currency | Currency code for the payout |
network | The code of the blockchain network in which the payment is made |
address | The address of the wallet to which the payment is made |
txid | Transaction ID in the blockchain |
status | Payout status See all available statuses |
is_final | Whether the payout is finalizedThe payout process is considered finalized once it has been successfully paid or if it has failed. In the event of a payout failure, the funds will be returned to your balance, requiring you to initiate the payout process again. |
balance | The remaining funds on the merchant's balance. |
payer_currency | Cryptocurrency code in which the payout will be actually made. The payout address will receive the payout currency. |
payer_amount | Amount in payer_currency of the payout. |
uuid of the payoutDefinition
Payout amount in currencyDefinition
Currency code for the payoutDefinition
The code of the blockchain network in which the payment is madeDefinition
The address of the wallet to which the payment is madeDefinition
Transaction ID in the blockchainDefinition
Payout status See all available statusesDefinition
Whether the payout is finalizedThe payout process is considered finalized once it has been successfully paid or if it has failed. In the event of a payout failure, the funds will be returned to your balance, requiring you to initiate the payout process again.Definition
The remaining funds on the merchant's balance.Definition
Cryptocurrency code in which the payout will be actually made. The payout address will receive the payout currency.Definition
Amount in payer_currency of the payout.
Response example
2 "state": 0,
3 "result": {
4 "uuid": "a7c0caec-a594-4aaa-b1c4-77d511857594",
5 "amount": "3",
6 "currency": "USDT",
7 "network": "TRON",
8 "address": "TJ...",
9 "txid": null,
10 "status": "process",
11 "is_final": false,
12 "balance": 129,
13 "payer_currency": "USD",
14 "payer_amount": 3
15 }
COPYPossible errors
Validation errors
code : 422
Example responses:
2 "state": 1,
3 "errors": {
4 "amount": ["validation.required"]
5 }
COPYIf the payout is blocked on your merchant or user, you will receive this error message. This happens, for example, when you change your password and payouts are blocked for 24 hours.
2 "state": 1,
3 "message": "You are forbidden"
COPYIf we don’t support the currency code you provided in currency parameter, you will receive this error message:
2 "state": 1,
3 "message": "The currency was not found"
COPYIf we can not find the service for executing payout, you will receive this error message. You have to make sure that the cryptocurrency is supported. Check the correctness of the entered values in. currency, network, from_currency, to_currency:
2 "state": 1,
3 "message": "The service was not found"
COPYIf the withdrawal amount is too small, you will receive this error message:
2 "state": 1,
3 "message": "The withdrawal amount is too small"
COPYIf you will not have an active merchant wallet with a cryptocurrency of the payout, you will receive this error:
2 "state": 1,
3 "message": "Wallet not found"
COPYIf the payout amount, including all commissions, is more than your balance, you will receive this error message:
2 "state": 1,
3 "message": "Not enough funds"
COPYIf we don’t find the payout service of the currency that was passed in to_currency parameter, you will receive this error message:
2 "state": 1,
3 "message": "Not found service to_currency"
COPYIf accidentally something happens when converting to to_currency, you will receive this error message:
2 "state": 1,
3 "message": "Error convert to_currency"
COPYIf the payout amount is less than the minimum supported amount for cryptocurrency, you will receive this error message:
2 "state": 1,
3 "message": "Minimum amount 0.5 USDT"
COPYIf the payout amount is greater than the maximum supported amount for cryptocurrency, you will receive this error message:
2 "state": 1,
3 "message": "Maximum amount 10000000 USDT"
COPYIf you don’t have enough funds to make a payout, you will receive this error message:
2 "state": 1,
3 "message": "Not enough funds"
COPYIf you don't have enough funds to convert the payout amount from from_currency, you will receive this error message:
2 "state": 1,
3 "message": "Not enough balance for convert USDT to LTC"
COPYIf technical work occurs and the payout is temporarily unavailable, you will receive this error message
2 "state": 1,
3 "message": "The terminal was not found"
COPYInternal server error
code : 500
Example responses:
2 "message": "Server error, #1",
3 "code": 500,
4 "error": null