List of available trading pairs
Response parameters
Name | Definition |
id | Trading pair identifier |
symbol | Trading pair symbol in the BASE_QUOTE format |
baseCurrency | Base currency of the trading pair |
quoteCurrency | Quote currency of the trading pair |
baseMinSize | Minimum transaction amount in the base currency |
quoteMinSize | Minimum transaction amount in the quote currency |
baseMaxSize | Maximum transaction amount in the base currency |
quoteMaxSize | Maximum transaction amount in the quote currency |
basePrec | Decimal places precision for the base currency |
quotePrec | Decimal places precision for the quoted currency |
Trading pair identifierDefinition
Trading pair symbol in the BASE_QUOTE formatDefinition
Base currency of the trading pairDefinition
Quote currency of the trading pairDefinition
Minimum transaction amount in the base currencyDefinition
Minimum transaction amount in the quote currencyDefinition
Maximum transaction amount in the base currencyDefinition
Maximum transaction amount in the quote currencyDefinition
Decimal places precision for the base currencyDefinition
Decimal places precision for the quoted currency
Response example
2 "result": [
3 {
4 "id": "01HSBPVS17CT2GN2FV34K3AMPZ",
5 "symbol": "SHIB_USDT",
6 "baseCurrency": "SHIB",
7 "quoteCurrency": "USDT",
8 "baseMinSize": "100000.00000000",
9 "quoteMinSize": "5.00000000",
10 "baseMaxSize": "5000000000.00000000",
11 "quoteMaxSize": "10000000.00000000",
12 "basePrec": "0",
13 "quotePrec": "8"
14 },
15 {
16 "id": "01HSBPVS17CT2GN2FV34K3AMPC",
17 "symbol": "SOL_USDT",
18 "baseCurrency": "SOL",
19 "quoteCurrency": "USDT",
20 "baseMinSize": "0.01000000",
21 "quoteMinSize": "5.00000000",
22 "baseMaxSize": "500.00000000",
23 "quoteMaxSize": "10000000.00000000",
24 "basePrec": "4",
25 "quotePrec": "4"
26 },
27 ...
28 ]
COPYPossible codes
404: User or resource not found
422: Invalid input data
500: Internal server error
Possible errors
Example responses:
2 "state": 0,
3 "message": "Standard validation error"