In this section, you can learn about the main endpoint and key parameters when making an API request.
Getting API keysInstructions on how to obtain the payment API key and the payout API key.
Request formatBasic information on how to make requests to the server
Market cap
This section contains key information on working with Cryptomus market data.
AssetsBasic information on how to obtain user asset data.
OrderBookInformation on pairs and offers.
TickersInformation on market changes.
TradesInformation about trades.
This section contains basic information on working with the Cryptomus converter.
BalanceBasic information on how to obtain user asset data.
CalculateInformation on conversion conditions.
Market orderInformation on creating a market order.
Limit orderInformation on creating a limit order.
Cancel Limit orderInformation on canceling a limit order.
Directions listInformation on conversion pairs.
Orders listInformation about the user's created orders.
Information about the exchange.
Limit order creationmain.Information about creating trading limit order
Market order creationmain.Information about creating trading market order
Limit order cancellationmain.Information about trading limit order cancellation
List of active ordersmain.Information about list of active orders
History of completed ordersmain.Information about list of completed orders
List of available trading pairsmain.Information about list of available trading pairs
Get current market price of trading pairmain.Information about list of gettings current market price
Trading wallet balancesmain.Information about trading wallet balances
Tariffsmain.Information about exchange tariffs
main.Information about the user services
Paymentmain.Information about user payment service
Payoutmain.Information about user payout service
Transactionsmain.Information about user transactions service
Wallet addressmain.Information about user wallet address service