Payout history
Query parameters
Name | Parameter type | Default value | Definition |
date_from | stringformat: YYYY-MM-DD H:mm:ss | null | Filtering by creation date, from |
date_to | stringformat: YYYY-MM-DD H:mm:ss | null | Filtering by creation date, to |
Parameter type
stringformat: YYYY-MM-DD H:mm:ssDefinition
Filtering by creation date, fromParameter type
stringformat: YYYY-MM-DD H:mm:ssDefinition
Filtering by creation date, to
Request example
curl \
-H 'merchant: 8b03432e-385b-4670-8d06-064591096795' \
-H 'sign: f80fa426a89eb62bd53997326865d850' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
COPYTo filter payouts by creation date from may 4 to may 16.
curl \
-H 'merchant: 8b03432e-385b-4670-8d06-064591096795' \
-H 'sign: f80fa426a89eb62bd53997326865d850' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"date_from": "2023-05-04 00:00:00"
"date_to": "2023-05-16 23:59:59"
Response parameters
Name | Definition |
merchant_uuid | Merchant's Uuid |
items | Array of Payouts. Structure |
paginate | Data for pagination. Structure |
Structure of item
Name | Definition |
uuid | uuid of the payout |
amount | Payout amount in currency |
currency | Currency code for the payout |
network | The code of the blockchain network in which the payout is made |
address | The address of the wallet to which the payment is made |
txid | Transaction ID in the blockchain |
status | Payout status statuses |
is_final | Whether the payout is finalizedThe payout process is considered finalized once it has been successfully paid or if it has failed. In the event of a payout failure, the funds will be returned to your balance, requiring you to initiate the payout process again. |
balance | The remaining funds on the merchant's wallet. |
created_at | Creation date of the payout. Timezone is UTC+3 |
updated_at | Last payout updated date. Timezone is UTC+3 |
uuid of the payoutDefinition
Payout amount in currencyDefinition
Currency code for the payoutDefinition
The code of the blockchain network in which the payout is madeDefinition
The address of the wallet to which the payment is madeDefinition
Transaction ID in the blockchainDefinition
Payout status statusesDefinition
Whether the payout is finalizedThe payout process is considered finalized once it has been successfully paid or if it has failed. In the event of a payout failure, the funds will be returned to your balance, requiring you to initiate the payout process again.Definition
The remaining funds on the merchant's wallet.Definition
Creation date of the payout. Timezone is UTC+3Definition
Last payout updated date. Timezone is UTC+3
To get next/previous page entries, specify the next/previous cursor hash in the query parameters (?cursor=nextCursorHash)
1curl cG9pbnRzVzVG9OZXh0SXRlbXMiOnRydWV9 \
2-X POST \
3-H 'merchant: cb2131ff-a3d4-46dd-94c6-3714fae65f89' \
4-H 'sign: f80fa426a89eb62bd53997326865d850' \
5-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
COPYResponse example
2"state": 0,
3"result": {
4 "items": [{
5 "uuid": "a7c0caec-a594-4aaa-b1c4-77d511857594",
6 "amount": "3",
7 "currency": "USDT",
8 "network": "TRON",
9 "address": "TJ...",
10 "txid": null,
11 "status": "process",
12 "is_final": false,
13 "balance": "129.00000000",
14 "created_at": "2023-06-21T17:25:55+03:00",
15 "updated_at": "2023-06-21T17:34:38+03:00"
16 }, {
17 "uuid": "92c39264-d180-4503-9c16-ee16f083bbb8",
18 "amount": "5.40000000",
19 "currency": "DOGE",
20 "network": "doge",
21 "address": "DEw8CJLfxg9fhumeXP1zvVNjZicsqtDv7V",
22 "txid": "5e5810946152ea569d2a2aa9aa32a45c0e4223a4f9aad8e31d2fc660d2cdedb8",
23 "order_id": null,
24 "payment_status": null,
25 "status": "paid",
26 "is_final": true,
27 "balance": "26.77966652",
28 "created_at": "2023-07-21T17:25:55+03:00",
29 "updated_at": "2023-07-21T17:34:38+03:00"
30 },
31 ...
32 ],
33 "paginate": {
34 "count": 15,
35 "hasPages": true,
36 "nextCursor": "eyJpZCI6MjkxNTU0MywiX3BvaW50c1RvTmV4dEl0ZW1zIjp0cnVlfQ",
37 "previousCursor": null,
38 "perPage": 15
39 }
COPYPossible errors
Validation errors
code : 422
Example responses:
If the date_from or date_to parameter is passed in the wrong format.
2 "state": 1,
3 "errors": {
4 "date_from": ["validation.regex"]
5 }