Payment statuses
The payment status comes in the response body of some methods and indicates at what stage the payment is at the moment. All possible payment statuses can be viewed below.
Name | Definition |
paid | The payment was successful and the client paid exactly as much as required. |
paid_over | The payment was successful and client paid more than required. |
wrong_amount | The client paid less than required |
process | Payment in processing |
confirm_check | We have seen the transaction in the blockchain and are waiting for the required number of network confirmations. |
wrong_amount_waiting | The client paid less than required, with the possibility of an additional payment |
check | Waiting for the transaction to appear on the blockchain |
fail | Payment error |
cancel | Payment cancelled, the client did not pay |
system_fail | A system error has occurred |
refund_process | The refund is being processed |
refund_fail | An error occurred during the refund |
refund_paid | The refund was successful |
locked | Funds are locked due to the AML program |
The payment was successful and the client paid exactly as much as required.Definition
The payment was successful and client paid more than required.Definition
The client paid less than requiredDefinition
Payment in processingDefinition
We have seen the transaction in the blockchain and are waiting for the required number of network confirmations.Definition
The client paid less than required, with the possibility of an additional paymentDefinition
Waiting for the transaction to appear on the blockchainDefinition
Payment errorDefinition
Payment cancelled, the client did not payDefinition
A system error has occurredDefinition
The refund is being processedDefinition
An error occurred during the refundDefinition
The refund was successfulDefinition
Funds are locked due to the AML program